Chem-FINESE: Validating Fine-Grained Few-shot Entity Extraction through Text Reconstruction


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This repositiory contains two chemical few-shot fine-grained entity extraction dataset based on ChemNER and CHEMET. We choose the values 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 as the potential maximum entity mentions for k-shot for both datasets. annotation folder contains annotation guidelines and fine-grained entity ontology. CHEMET folder contains full CHEMET dataset and its few-shot subsets. Each folder contains four files: train.json, valid.json, test.json, and types.json. ChemNER+ folder contains full ChemNER+ dataset and its few-shot subsets. Each folder contains four files: train.json, valid.json, test.json, and types.json. train.json, valid.json, test.json are used for training, validation, and testing respectively. Each file contains multiple lines. Each line represent an instance.