About me

I am a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I have been a member of the BLENDER Lab since 2017, supervised by Prof. Heng Ji. Previously, I graduated a summa cum laude from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a dual B.S. degree in Computer Science and Mathematics.

I am among the first researchers to develop a virtual scientific research assistant (i.e., PaperRobot [ACL 2019]) for literature-based discovery by extracting and synthesizing insights from literature. My research interest lies in Automated Literature Understanding and Scientific Discovery. My long-term vision is to expand AIScientist to augment the process of scientific paper lifecycle by equipping machines with the ability to understand scientific papers, propose new ideas, conduct experiments, write paper drafts , and evaluate the final paper drafts. This encompasses three threads (but are not limited to):

  • Constructing Scientific Knowledge Graph with Limited Annotated Data
    • Examples: Multimedia KG for Covid-19 (NAACL ‘21 Best Demo🏆) [I], Few-shot Chemical Entity Extraction [II,III]
  • Scientific Hypothesis Discovery through Knowledge Fusion
    • Examples: Scientific Hypothesis Generation [IV], Procedure Prediction [V]
  • Applying Knowledge Graph
    • Examples: Paper Review Generation [VI], Data-to-text Generation [VII]

Here is my up-to-date CV.

I’m happy to collaborate and answer questions about my research. I especially encourage students from underrepresented groups to reach out.

I am on the academic job market this fall! Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in my research or have relevant opportunities.

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