About me

I am a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I have been a member of the BLENDER Lab since 2017, supervised by Prof. Heng Ji. Previously, I graduated a summa cum laude from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a dual B.S. degree in Computer Science and Mathematics.

I am among the first researchers to develop a virtual scientific research assistant (i.e., PaperRobot [ACL 2019]) for literature-based discovery by extracting and synthesizing insights from papers. My research interest lies in Automated Literature Understanding and Scientific Discovery. My long-term vision is to develop AI for Scientists (AI4Scientist) tools to effectively accelerate every stage of the research process for scientists. This encompasses three threads (but are not limited to):

  • Knowledge Discovery
    • Examples: Few-shot Chemical Entity Extraction [I,II]
  • Knowledge Reasoning
    • Examples: Knowledge-aware Hypothesis Generation [III], Drug Repurposing Report Generation (NAACL ‘21 Best Demo🏆) [IV], Experiment/Task Execution [V]
  • Knowledge Dissemination
    • Examples: Paper Draft Writing [VI], Paper Evaluation [VII], Data-to-text Generation [VIII]


I’m happy to collaborate and answer questions about my research. I especially encourage students from underrepresented groups to reach out.

I am on the academic job market this fall! Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in my research or have relevant opportunities.

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